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Novi uvoz XLSja z naslednjo strukturo:


FI Type

Report Status

Transaction Ref Number

Trading VenueTrans ID

Executing Entity ID

Investement Firm

Submiting Entity ID

Buyer ID

Buyer Country of branch

Buyer - First name

Buyer - Surname

Buyer - date of birth

Buyer decission maker code

Buy decision maker - First name

Buy decision maker -  Surname

Buy decision maker - Date of birth

Seller ID

Seller Country of branch

Seller - First name

Seller - Surname

Seller - Date of birth

Seller decission maker code

Sell decision maker - First name

Sell decision maker -  Surname

Sell decision maker - Date of birth

Transmision of order indicator

Transmitting firm IG for buyer

Transmitting firm IG for seller

Trading date time

Trading capacity


Quantity Currency

Derivate notional increase/decrease


Price Currency

Net amount


County of the branchmembership

Up-front payment

Up-front payment currency

Complex trade component ID

Instrument ID

Instrument full name

Instrument classification

Notional currency 1

Notional currency 2

Price multiplier

Underlying instrument code

Underlying Index name

Term of the underlying name

Option type

Strike Price

Strike Price currency

Option excersise style

Maturity date

Expiry date

Delivery type

Investment Decision firm

Investment decision country

Execusion Firm

Execution firm country

Waiver Indicator

Short Selling indicator

OTC post-trade indicator

Commodity deriv indicator

Security fin trans indicator



Page url: http://service.irm.si/navodila/Z-NAVODILA/4.0/index.html?uvoz_nkbm.htm