alter system set open_cursors=4900 sid='ORC1' SCOPE=BOTH; alter profile default limit password_life_time unlimited failed_login_attempts unlimited; ALTER PROFILE default LIMIT IDLE_TIME unlimited; --DROP TABLESPACE marina INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES; create tablespace marina DATAFILE 'G:\oracle\oradata/orc1/marina01.dbf' SIZE 3000M AUTOEXTEND ON; alter system set processes = 1500 scope=spfile; ALTER SYSTEM SET sessions=1248 SCOPE=SPFILE; create directory dumpdmp as 'G:\oracle\dmp'; alter session set "_ORACLE_SCRIPT"=true; create user marina identified by marina default tablespace marina temporary tablespace temp; grant dba to marina; REGEDIT update s_nastavitve set vrednost='' where naziv='GlobalApplicationServerAddress' ; update s_nastavitve set vrednost='' where naziv='MMService' ; update s_nastavitve set vrednost='' where naziv='MMWebAppAddress'; SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_CLIENT = 8 SQLNET.ALLOWED_LOGON_VERSION_SERVER = 8